John has served as your Floyd County Commissioner since January, 2017, representing District#2–Greenville and Lafayette townships .   John takes this responsibility seriously.  John dedicates many hours attending weekly meetings, meeting with residents, working with staff, chairing monthly meetings and working diligently to make Floyd County a better place to live.

John is a retired project manager in the telecommunications industry and understands being commissioner is a full time position.  He has championed bringing broadband to the un-served and under served areas of our county; Greenville, Lafayette, Georgetown and Franklin townships.

John serves on the Redevelopment Commission where he understands that the key to economic development is creating an environment with innovation and technology to attract and retain businesses, acquire & retain talent and promote entrepreneurship to retain young people in Floyd County.

He also championed in getting a third ambulance in Floyd County; in close proximity to Greenville Elementary School, operating from 8:00AM to 6:00PM daily, to serve the Greenville and Galena area.   He championed an EMS/Ambulance Study, bench marking current service against 50 baseline metrics, established & serves on EMS Advisory Board & Steering Committee. Please visit his website to get a better picture of John’s passionate commitment to Floyd County and its bright future.

Every month John has lunch with a Clark, Scott, Washington, Crawford and Harrison County Commissioner.  They have developed a great working and personal relationship; discussing issues, solutions and strengths.  These six counties represent a population over 280K with  five State Representatives and three State Senators with strength in numbers & lobbying as one community.

During the COVID-19 event, the six commissioners have been staying in constant contact, communicating with each other, sharing their concerns, discussing and comparing plans and sometimes just being available to listen.
