



Thank you for visiting.  John has been a public servant for 13+ years. He has served as your Floyd County Commissioner since 2017 and served on the County Council for ten years.

  • Serving as your Floyd County Commissioner District #2 since January 2017 representing Greenville and Lafayette Townships

  • Championed bringing broadband access to the underserved/un-served areas in Floyd County

  • Paved 100 miles of road since 2017 w/ plans to pave 30+ miles in 2020

  • Championed adding third ambulance and championed EMS/Ambulance Study, bench-marking current service against 50 benchmarks

  • Monthly Commissioner’s Luncheon with a Crawford, Clark, Scott, Harrison and Washington County Commissioner
  • Served on the County Council for ten years representing District #4: Greenville, Franklin and Georgetown Townships

  • To Donate to my campaign, please click the button below:
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